The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of the Municipality of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro García, has informed of the agreements adopted at the two meetings of the Local Government Board, one of an ordinary nature and another public session. extraordinary, held today, Tuesday, July 3.
In the public session, a record of extrajudicial recognition of credits was approved, amounting to 32,248.95 euros.
And in the ordinary session, highlights the approval of the remodeling and adaptation of squares, parks and gardens and playgrounds, for an amount of 480,222.03 euros.
It has approved 1 file of major work license and 1 sanctioning file for urban infringement.
Approval of the list of invoices, for an amount of 131,137.34 euros.
Approval of the service contract denouncement regarding public health protection in Molina de Segura, concluding the contractual relationship between Rosario Martínez Rodríguez and the Molinense City Council, which ends on July 26, 2018).
Approval of the awarding of remodeling and adaptation of squares, parks and gardens and playgrounds in the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special measures of social implementation relating to socio-occupational insertion of people in situations of long-term unemployment, API Movilidad, SA, for an amount of 480,222.03 euros.
Approval of the start of the recruitment file of the guide-informants service and of activities and promotion of the MUDEM, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, with an expenditure of 25,639.25 euros.
Approval of the Health and Safety Plan for the provision and improvement of sports infrastructures in Altorreal (artificial turf field) and Campotéjar Alta (adaptation of the runway), incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in situation of long-term unemployment, included in the Participatory Budgets 2017, Lot II.
Approval of the Health and Safety Plan for the provision and improvement of infrastructures in various municipal parks and gardens, incorporating special conditions of social implementation relating to socio-occupational insertion of people with long-term unemployment, included in the Participatory Budgets 2017, Lot II.
Approval of the n ° 3 certification of the work to refurbish the plaza in San Pedro Street, the recreational area of ​​the San Antonio and Fátima gardens, for an amount of 25,096.01 euros, to the winning company Talleres y Conducciones Juanito, SL
Approval of the n ° 2 and last certification of the work of renovation of municipal sewerage collector in Avenida de la Industria (former N-301, km 384,50), Phase I, Canon of Supply and Sanitation 2017, for an amount of 11,389.03 euros, to the awarded company Talleres y Conducciones Juanito, SL.
Approval of the n ° 1 certification of the work of road safety, improvement of road signs and signaling in the municipal area of ​​Molina de Segura, for an amount of 134,171.39 euros, to the awarded company Construcciones Urdecón, SA.
Approval of the appointment of executing directors and security coordinator for the adaptation of annexed areas and service to the El Romeral Municipal Pool, 3rd phase.
Approval of the dismissal of two files of claim of patrimonial responsibility.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura