The exhibition of the 40 drawings selected in the school competition Growing without Violence 2018 for students of Primary Education on gender violence, organized by the Department of Social Welfare of the City of Molina de Segura, reaches five schools in the municipality from Monday, May 7 to Friday, June 15.
The objectives of this initiative are: to involve the educational community in the dissemination of values ​​of equality between women and men;
prevention of violence against women, through an artistic and creative activity for Primary Education students;
and disclosure of the work carried out by the students participating in the contest.
The students and faculty that will be able to enjoy the exhibition belong to CEIP Cervantes, CEIP Campo de Molina, CEIP Ntra. Mrs. Fátima, CEIP Vega del Segura and CEIP San Miguel.
The total participation of some 1,400 students is estimated.
According to the Councilor for Social Welfare, Angel Navarro Garcia, "with this activity, coordinated by the CAVI, we intend to fight against gender violence in the municipality from schools, understanding that violence is a learned behavior that can be modified. It is possible to socialize children against gender violence and it is possible to reeducate adults about equality between men and women, and that it is illegitimate to resort to violence to solve conflicts between couples ".
The exhibition can be visited for two weeks in each of the five participating schools.
The evaluation of the activity by the teachers is planned, through a questionnaire designed for that purpose:
CEIP Cervantes and CEIP Campo de Molina: from Monday 7 to Friday 18 May.
CEIP Ntra. Sra. Fátima and CEIP Vega del Segura: from Monday, May 21 to Friday, June 1.
CEIP San Miguel: from Monday 4 to Friday 15 June.
Within the CAVI program for the first semester of 2018, this activity has been designed and prepared for the Primary Education centers of the municipality and its districts (to guarantee decentralization).
This is the first time that this awareness about gender violence is approached and facilitated through an itinerant exhibition for all students and teachers interested in their educational environment.
In this exhibition, the artistic dissemination of girls and boys is favored and enhanced, and they have participated massively with their drawings and messages in the drawing contest against gender violence.
"We consider that it has a great preventive value to address the school population, because from the earliest stages we can work transversally to ensure the participation of children and, at the same time, facilitate and make visible a real problem in our environment", points out Angel Navarro.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura