Agents of the Police Headquarters of Murcia, belonging to the Provincial Brigade of the Judicial Police have arrested three people accused of a crime against Intellectual Property, related to the distribution and sale of magnetic bracelets that mimicked those of a known brand with strong presence in the market.
The investigations were started with the collaboration of the official distributor of the brand and officials supplanted the Specialist Crime Unit of the Chief, thanks to what is found out that two establishments in the town of Molina de Segura were selling bracelets false and via the Internet a person domiciled in the same locality bracelets items offered similar features at a price significantly below its market price.
Having obtained all the necessary data, last on May 3 Inspections were performed on the premises identified, was involved in one of them dedicated to fitness activities, a total of 38 of these bracelets that were displayed for sale.
After the inspection is arrested the person who had facilitated the establishment these bracelets.
The next day, as a result of investigations carried out, we were able to arrest two residents of the town of Molina de Segura, when preparing the delivery of a consignment of fake magnetic bracelets caught a buyer over the Internet.
In the vehicle occupied by two bracelets were operated 2076.
All those arrested are elderly and Spanish nationals were released after completing the formalities of the affidavit, the charges remain in force for industrial property crime.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de Murcia