Five hundred women, from 28 associations of Molina de Segura, celebrated yesterday the end of course, an act which presented a gift to each of the representatives of various associations and paid tribute to title posthumous Mondéjar Maria Jesus Garcia, a pioneer of women's associations in this county.
The director of the Institute for Women in the Region of Murcia (iMRM), Teresa Moreno, attended the closing ceremony at the Teatro Villa de Molina, along with the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras, and Councilwoman Equal Lola Vincent, who agreed to congratulate the association for "the important contribution made by them with their daily activities to the development of the municipality."
The event concluded with a concert by the soprano Antonia Sandoval, in collaboration with 'De Music Ensemble', accompanied by pianist Pilar Valero, who performed works of medieval and zarzuela.
The partnerships developed throughout the course, training activities, information and leisure, with the goal of personal and social development and the involvement of women in implementing the principles of equal opportunities in the municipality.
Source: CARM