The opening ceremony of the environmental education teaching activities ENERGY PLAZA, for schoolchildren organized by Caja Mediterráneo (CAM), in collaboration with the town of Molina de Segura, was held Tuesday May 18 at the door Basketball Park Company Molina de Segura.
Attended by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, President Territorial CAM in the Region of Murcia, Angel Martínez Martínez, Councillor of Environment, Consuelo Rosauro Meseguer, and the Councillor for Education, Mariola Martinez Robles.
From 18 to 21 May, some 650 schoolchildren from Molina de Segura will have the opportunity to learn what energy is, how it is generated, how many sources there are and everything you can do with it, and the effects that misuse of energy can have on the environment.
All this and much more is what are the elementary students when they visit the Energy Plaza, an educational initiative of Caja Mediterráneo which aims, through games, teaching children to different energy sources, to differentiate between renewable and and no known function, while instilling a critical knowledge on the importance of energy conservation and efficiency.
Energy Square consists of several tents, inspired by the appearance of the igloos of the polar regions.
Each tent is the scene of a different theme.
This activity is designed to perform in a traveling by different municipalities and schools, covering all levels of primary, focusing especially on the higher levels.
Simultaneously with the Energy Plaza, in the schools of the city another activity, Solar Space, which is to explain to the children through the application demonstrations that we do in our house on solar and wind through small appliances plugged into the batteries to be recharged with solar panel or wind turbine.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura